e-mail: selahattininel@iyte.edu.tr
Izmir Institute of Technology & Mechanical Engineering (MSc. / 2018 – Cont..)
Thesis Title: Modelling of an Impact Resistant Navigation System for Gun Projectiles Based on Low Cost MEMS Sensors
Naval Academy (2011 – 2015)
Thesis Title: Karbondioksit Guc Cevrimi Termodinamik Analizi
Title: Yeni Nesil Sarj Edilebilir Tek Hucreli Bir Pil
Application No:2020/04183
Date: 17.03.2020
Prof. Serhan OZDEMIR
Izmir Institute of Technology
Phone: +(90) 232 750 6773
E-mail: serhanozdemir@iyte.edu.tr